lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Etherkit Open Source crystal-controlled QRSS CW Beacon

OpenBeacon is an open source crystal-controlled QRPp beacon transmitter kit which can output a variety of slow-speed modes, including QRSS, DFCW, and Sequential Multi-tone Hellschreiber. It is configured via USB port, so there are no jumpers to set and you can easily adjust all of the operating parameters via command line. Once configuration is complete, OpenBeacon may be removed from the PC and operate stand-alone.
Please note that this product is a kit which requires soldering and assembly.

* Frequency: crystal controlled
* Modes: CW, QRSS, DFCW, Sequential Multi-tone Hellschreiber, Glyphcode, WSPR (experimental)
* Power output: 300 mW nominal (at +13.7 VDC power supply)
* Spectral purity: greatest harmonic
* Power supply: +5 VDC to +14 VDC
* Current consumption: 50 mA at +5 VDC, 120 mA at +13.7 VDC
* Control via USB on Windows, OS X, and Linux
* PCB dimensions: 70 mm x 90 mm
* High quality PCB with soldermask and ENIG (gold) plating

Available Bands:
* 30 meters (10.140 MHz)
* More bands available soon

Full documentation available here

Price: $40 USD

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 CQ WAZ - 50 Mhz  #  1 LU